Prize | Code | Other Code Combinations |
$1.00 | ONE | OEN, NOE, NEO, EON, ENO |
$2.00 | TWO | TOW, WTO, WOT, OTW, OWT |
$3.00 | THR | TRH, HTR, HRT, RTH, RHT |
$4.00 | FOR | FRO, OFR, ORF, RFO, ROF |
$5.00 | FIV | FVI, IFV, IVF, VFI, VIF |
$6.00 | SIX | SXI, ISX, IXS, XSI, XIS |
$7.00 | SVN | SNV, VSN, VNS, NSV, NVS |
$8.00 | EGT | ETG, GET, GTE, TEG, TGE |
$9.00 | NIN | NNI, INN |
$10.00 | TEN | TNE, ETN, ENT, NTE, NET |
$11.00 | ELV | EVL, LEV, LVE, VEL, VLE |
$12.00 | TLV | TVL, LTV, LVT, VTL, VLT |
$13.00 | THN | TNH, HTN, HNT, NTH, NHT |
$14.00 | FRN | FNR, RFN, RNF, NFR, NRF |
$15.00 | FTN | FNT, TFN, TNF, NFT, NTF |
$19.00 | NIT | NTI, INT, ITN, TNI, TIN |
$20.00 | TWY | TYW, WTY, WYT, YTW, YWT |
$21.00 | TYO | TOY, YTO, YOT, OTY, OYT |
$25.00 | TWF | TFW, WTF, WFT, FTW, FWT |
$30.00 | TRY | TYR, RTY, RYT, YTR, YRT |
$35.00 | THF | TFH, HTF, HFT, FTH, FHT |
$35.00 | TFV | TVF, FTV, FVT, VTF, VFT |
$40.00 | FRY | FYR, RFY, RYF, YFR, YRF |
$50.00 | FTY | FYT, TFY, TYF, YFT, YTF |
$75.00 | SVF | SFV, VSF, VFS, FSV, FVS |
$100.00 | HUN | HNU, UHN, UNH, NHU, NUH |
$150.00 | OHF | OFH, HOF, HFO, FOH, FHO |
$200.00 | TWH | THW, WTH, WHT, HTW, HWT |
$250.00 | THF | TFH, HTF, HFT, FTH, FHT |
$500.00 | FHN | FNH, HFN, HNF, NFH, NHF |
Notes: Winning prize amounts above $599 have three random letters that do not form a word.
Warning: The Lottery does not encourage players to rely solely on these codes when determining the value of a ticket. Please play responsibly.
Does anyone have any information about the codes for Indiana?
I have read over your site and for the most part IN has the same feature on the scratch off tickets (not pull tabs, etc) which consist of three letters scattered on the ticket. For example $1 winner is ONE, $2 is two, $10 TEN, $20 is TWY I believe. I am not sure what the code cap is. If the ticket is over $500 does it I have a code? Well, I am not certain on that. I like yourself recommend players check all tickets at participating retailers. The Hoosier Loto has developed new kiosk systems in the past few months. At most gas stations you can walk right up to the counter, avoid lines and scan all your bar codes to see if in fact your tickets a winner. Some of the machines print off slips indicating what the pize amount will be. You then simply hand the slip to the cashier and she awards the prize. They will still check the tickets just to be safe but it does allow those who want to see if in fact they have a winner or looser to know ASAP. I like the feature because I can simply bypass the lines, check my tickets, inlcuding Powerball, Hoosier Loto, etc. determine what dollar amount I have won so I can figure out if I want to keep my cash or purchase another ticket while I wait in line. If it is not a winner I can simply skip the line and leave which is nice when you are in a hurry.
Like you I play the BINGO tickets, most of the time I am in a rush and may miss a number when I mark them off. This is a great way to double check yourself. I have written to the IN Hoosier Loto and asked if they can look into having an online system for typing in the bar codes to check tickets? I am not certain this will ever happen but for those of us who tend to buy tickets, toss in our purse or car, scratch later that day at home and wonder if we have hit it big that would be a great feature.
I simply would like to know if I can call into work the next day! LOL = ) Joking..
I tend to stick scratch offs which have been scratched in my car, purse and then forget to check them. I have a loto ticket I found from 2001 the other day, not a scratch off but Hoosier Loto I believe, I wondered how long you have to check those if they would honor a winner? I am sure they won’t I know for a fact that scratch off tickets have to be claimed within 180 days after they announced the end of the game. But it would sure be nice if they did.
I hope I answered your question Big Fish? Have a wonderful 2011 and best of luck on your loto purchases!
Southern Indiana
The codes only apply to winning values of less than 600. If you would have a ticket that must be cash at a lottery office the code is random. I agree check all you tickets at a lottery retail store, who know how many winners have been thrown in the trash. I recently went through a stack of losing tickets,and found that I had over looked 3 tickets that won. So check everyone as if it is a winning ticket. Good Luck Win Big
Thanks – I’ve updated the Notes section of this page.
The bad thing is if your ticket is a really big winner the machine will not tell you that…It will say something like check with your local lottery office or something so you either have a loser or a huge winner and the only way to know is look the ticket over 1000 times. Grrr
i was wanting a list of codes that might say how much the tickit might be
That’s what I want too. Do you have any codes to contribute?
Does any one have the codes for scratch off tickets in indiana higher then 20? Does the code THY stand for anything? Thanks
A lottery official told me that wining tickets of $600.00 or more have codes that make no sense whatsoever. I usually just scratch the bingo ticket code to see if I won instead of playing the ticket. Not a good idea.
I won $150.00 a few years ago and the code was OHF
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
$30.00 is TRY
$50.00 is FTY
$100.00 is HUN
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
Just got a two hundred dollar winner. Code is TWH
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
500 is FHN i do believe
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
What is $3.00???? THR?????
$6-Six $7-svn $8-egt or eht (not sure) $9-nin $14-frn $15-ftn $21 tyo $25 twf I think that’s all i know so far that you don’t have..
Thanks! I’ve updated the page with all of them except the $8 code since you weren’t sure.
FRY is $40
Just got NIT on Cash Lines… $19 winner 🙂
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
I just hit on a pink diamond card. And the cash code is not up there. So $75 is SVF
Any Dollar amount over $600.00 has to be paid out at Hoosier Lottery Office You can have small amounts mailed to you as long as you do the proper paper work prior to receiving any Money. I think codes over 600.00 are scrambled and do not match the amount on the ticket. Pete 1000.00 should be THO. Always check your tickets even if you think it is a loser. If you don’t trust the clerk ask to keep your ticket it is yours
Rod, if I could post the pic on here, it definitely will show “THY” and not “THO” I can text or email the pic I have from when I won.
Rod, shoot me an email @ I’ll send ya the pic. ~Pete
Thanks – I’ve updated the page.
what is 3$ HRY?
$3 is Thr
Thanks – I have added THR for $3.
Yes Noli OHF is “one hundred and fifty”…
and “THY” is thirty’s all basically common sense of deciphering the letters and Combining them to make a “code” .. no offense but it isn’t that difficult .. and as yes “THR” means THREE… AND SO ON .. “HUN” means ONE HUNDRED ..Ok Ashley, not to burst your bubble or anything but I have had a ticket scanned with the THY code an it’s not a winner. TRY is thirty as I have had and scanned it to be a winner. Some of the indiana tickets you can get that code on doesn’t even have the probability of that being an amount listed to win, i.e. The candy can crossword you can’t win thirty, as its prizes are 3,5,25,50,100,500,1000,&50,000 and if you complete a word with a candy cane these amounts can only be tripled so no probability of 30.00. Sorry not to sound rude but just thought I would clarify for others reading the site.
I have a money maze ticket it code. Thy didn’t pay me 30 dollars
Thy has not worked for me at all. And I have had like 5 of them. However 20 and below are right.
I had a scratch off that had THY as the code but my ticket was not a winner so I called the 1800- customer service number and they said that THY meant 30$ and non of my numbers even showed that I won 30$ but customer service confirmed that THY does mean 30$ and that i should write them a letter and send it to the office along with the ticket to Indianapolis addres on the back of the ticket and said that it may be a misprint and I may or may not get paid but to send it in anyway along with the letter with an explanation. So I would watch out it may not be a winner. My ticket was the win 2,500 for life ticket
I have a Wild Cherry Crossword Triplet that has the letters THY on the ticket, which is a thirty dollar winner and i took it to 4 retailers and they all told me it is not a winner. I have kept the ticket, what should I do? Please respond back to me. I appreciate it and thank you.
$30 dollars is TRY
TRY is $30…THY is nothing…I have a hundred losing tickets with THY on them.
Two Hundred Fifty $250-THF
Good luck!
Thanks – I have added the code.
THF…..$35 just now, woohoo
Thanks – I have updated the page.
I played the bingo card and the code that was on there was Fvt any idea of what that means ?
Cause the gas station said it was $35. And it doesn’t make sense
My thought would be TFV = ThirtyFiVe. I’ve added it to the page.
Are you sure? I just noticed that we have that code for $250.
TRY is 30. THY is a non winner. Anything over 600 has random codes. A common letter is “V”
I totally agree
EGT=8. ELV=11. TLV=12. THN=13.
Just helping fill in the blanks.